The bond of love between husband and wife takes root and grows through the many experiences of married life. Through each phase of the marriage a couple builds a relationship in which love & respect for each other can reach heights unimagined on the wedding day.  

Mikveh creates a beautiful balance in which a marriage, and family can begin in love and certainty and continue to grow and strengthen through a lifetime. The Mikveh is an easy Mitzvah. Devoting one hour a month to herself, the Jewish wife enjoys a refreshing sense of being renewed, physically, psychologically, and spiritually. MIKVEH CONSECRATES MARRIAGE MAKING G-D A PARTNER IN IT. 

In following the laws of Torah, we are rewarded by knowing we are fulfilling the commandments of G‑d. The Mitzvah of Mikveh also gives us other tangible rewards. It can enhance the relationship between husband & wife helping to develop a richer & deeper friendship.

Communicating on levels other than physical provides the opportunity to be friends & partners who talk more & listen more.    

Alternating times of physical contact and abstinence can make the attraction between husband & wife last a lifetime. The love they feel for each other continues to have the freshness & excitement of the first days of marriage.              

For a woman who practices the laws of Mikveh, it is an elevating experience that accentuates her self-identity and individuality. G‑d's blessing is invoked,  for ourselves and our children, for a meaningful and  successful home life.

The Mikveh is a powerful bridge, linking us with generation upon generation of Jewish women who, throughout the world have braved many obstacles to reap the joys & benefits of the Mikveh

You are cordially invited to visit our beautiful modern facilities. 
There is no prerequisite of being observant in order to use the Mikveh. 
May your married life be a source of Divine blessing 

For more information call Raizy